Ukraine News: Russia and Ukraine tauschen 300 Kriegsgefangene aus

Ukraine News: Russia and Ukraine tauschen 300 Kriegsgefangene aus

2:10 PM | US can get more billionaires

Kurz for the final blessing of the US President set the divorce of US President Joe Biden for Ukraine and quickly went to a dollar of 2.5 billion dollars. Biden with the fact that Congress was in control, voluntarily prepared for the long term. The Ministry of Defense is responsible for the Auslieferung von Geschossen, Raketen and Panzern. The Hilfen have used weapons and ammunition from 1.25 billion US dollars to 1.22 billion US dollars Sicherheitshilfe.

11:45 am | Russian ex-football professional stirs in Krieg against Ukraine

The former Russian Fußball-Nationalspieler Alexej Bugajew fell against the Ukraine in the Moscow Angriffskrieg. It is best to get an interview on the online portal “”. Here Tod’s power is no more.

Bugajew plays for several Russian companies and will be in the Russian Auswahl during EM 2004. By 2024, the drying trades will be available for new use during the year. The problem is that the Streitkräften are used as Soldiers.

11:28 am | Moskau lehnt westliche Friedenstruppen in Ukraine ab

Russia leaves a Western Friedenstruppen in the Ukraine as part of the Friedenslösung ab. Minister Sergej Lawrow said he was “of course not happy” with US President Donald Trump’s comments. Some of the American soldiers in Ukraine will diskette some of the fried goods in the Western Hauptstadten. If you notice the Kremlin, it is “je früh, een über Friedenstruppen zu sprechen”.

08:25 | Finnish Ermittler entdecken Schleifspur am Ostseeboden

Finnish Ermittler, the Ausfall, an underwater current in the Baltic Sea, has founded a Schleifspur am Meeresboden. The sister of Ermittler Sami Paila teilte mit, the Spur sei Dutzende Kilometer long. People no longer have money for Anker funds. Finnish Behörden hatten am Donnerstag an Öltanker festgesetzt, der der Russian Schattenflotte Zugeordnet Wird. There is a thought, when Anker in Boden gives a hint if she wants the Unterwasserkabel to adapt.

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