Keine Lust, a Silvester in a Mitternacht on Mallorca on the Glockenschlägen zwölf Trauben zu schlucken? An alternative company is one of the cultural fincas of Bauló in Lloret de Vistalegre. The singer Paul Gant presents swinging music for Ohr and Gemüt and white conversations. From 7 p.m. the buffet is ready, with drinks from the Keller and Bar, then it will be again with Gants Auftritt and schließlich with a Silvesterfeuer with Cava and a Mitternachtsnack. Price: 90 Euro. To register: [email protected] .
The new year can be a whole classical understanding: in Vienna (Philharmoniker-)Stil, with Walzern, Polkas und Ouvertüren, von Johann Strauss Vater und Sohn und – most recent Anfang 2025 with four classical Neujah concerts in Mallorca – with the song “Meine Lippen, sie kiss so heiß” from the operetta “Giuditta” by Franz Lehár.
Twee dieser Events gibt es, ganz wie das Original in der österreichischen Hauptstadt, in Mittwoch, 1. Januar. Um 20 Uhr tritt das Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands in the Congress Palace of Palma auf. Zu Gast is the French-American sopranoist Lauren Uequhart, the leader of the Japanese violinist and conductor Joji Hattori, both live in – Genau, Vienna. I am not interested in the others who have had new experiences Sinfoniker of the Balearic Islands with its own Akzente. Walzers and Polkas work on the suite “The Wizard of Oz” by Harold Arlen, from the song “Somewhere over the Rainbow” or “I Feel Pretty” from the musical “West Side Story” by Leonard Bernstein on the program. The tickets for sale cost 17 and 22 euros and are not like that palmapalaudecongressos.jan erhaltlich.
I am Teatre Principal d’Inca gibt das Orquesta de Camara de Mallorca under the Leitung von Bernat Quetglas das Neujahrskonzertwith the sopranoist Nadia Akaarir as Solistin. On Thursday January 2 at 7 p.m. at the auditori d’Alcúdia wiederholt, Karting for 15 Euro: www.auditorialcu . The dritte Auftritt der Orchesters will take place on January 3 to January 36 in Sant Llorenç des Cardassar statt. The 5 Euro Eintritt was sent to the consequences of the illegal catastrophe in Valencia. Karting: .
Traditional hat and tie Neujahrskonzert im Auditorium von Palma. The date has been set for Thursday, January 2 and will take place during the midweek Strauss Festival Orchestra and Ballet Ensemble. From 8 p.m., tickets for 52 to 72 Euro can be purchased online audi were acquired.
Neuer Mitbewerber in diesem Reigen is that Sweater Theater in Palma. Dort tritt on January 2, at 8 p.m. das Philharmonic Ensemble auf. The 13-member Formation was formed by the Musikern der Wiener Philharmoniker. Ihr Auftritt schlägt mit 41 to 85.50 Euro in Buche. Karting is good sweater .
Keine Lust on the Wiener Sound? A Berliner could purchase Abhilfe: The prominent techno DJ and producer Paul Kalkbrenner is the top act at a newcomer on January 1 in Son Amar, der von Mittag bis Mitternacht geht. Costs: 38, 41 and 85 Euro plus Bearbeitungsgebühr, Tickets: (Suchbegriff “Danzú” or “Son Amar”).