An influencer-veranstaltung causes the commotion and the world of the police. © Screenshot Instagram naarjindaoui / Youtube Jindaouis / Montage
2000 Menschen strömen nach afruf des Influencers Jindaoui zu einem Waffelladen in Berlin. More children and youth were killed in the Gedränge.
Berlin – Influencers and influencers merge with their accounts, hundreds or so many millions and followers and followers. A Reichsweite, with moving können for a while. That’s the end result of a performance in Berlin. While the social media star Nader Jindaoui is getting started, there is a waffelladen in the Berlin-Gesundbrunnen, which wollen wollen – and a large number of outright losses, while they are on Verletzten kam.
Riesiger Menschenauflauf roads Influencer in Berlin
Am 28. Dezember (Samstag) has started the Polizei on 1000 men on the Grünthaler Straße, one of the most evil Hertha offensive spieler that goes to the next and verprochene free waffles to the ergattern. The war never started: the police have to block the street in Bereich, the menge on an etwa of 2000 people. There is an Influencer Bowl selection for a long time.
If Jindaoui were to see his first sight, the police would then leave. There is talk of “tumultartigen Szenen”. In addition, a great pain is caused by the brusque hat. They work in the Krankenhaus. There is a report that more persons in the group are agitated and their friendly business. An eight-year-old boy has a problem and has to try to get the police out of the danger zone. Four other minor litten under Atemnot and Kreislaufbeschwerden.
Persons do not respond to the Durchsagen der Polizei – Riesiger Tumult roads Influencer
The Besitzer des Ladens has a personal opinion. The police must leave the environment with “Schieben und Drücken”, rather in the community.
People do not react to the duration of the journey, the street and the road are free, a wasted transport to work. The influencer and the Ladenbesitzer are a bit through the police, the action is over, whoever the police are. If Jindaoui was on one of the hints, it was likely that the youth of the Innenhofes’ inn were being führlichemed.
The influencer Nader Jindaoui. The game is being played at Hertha. © Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa
Roads Tumult: Influencer is guilty
Jindaoui calmed the situation and is guilty of insulting his fans Instagram-After. There is a great party, an “Ausnahmezustand” has emerged. “I can tell where the police got their hats off. The bottom line is that it is a Eure Sicherheit,” said Jindaoui. Ouch in an active YouTube video documentation is that of Szenen.
There were more information, more than 5000 people showed up. Instagram-Aufnahmen said a dense Menschenmenge auf der Straße for dem Geschäft and Dutzende – hauptsächlich jugendliche – Fans in Geschäft. Der Spieler plans derzeit seine Rückkehr zum Fußball. (jh with dpa)