General Luongo’s visit to Rome and Ostia Carabinieri units highlights effective crime fighting

General Luongo’s visit to Rome and Ostia Carabinieri units highlights effective crime fighting

This morning, Lieutenant General Salvatore Luongo, Deputy General Commander of the Carabinieri and Interregional Commander “Podgora”, visited the Carabinieri of the Investigation Unit of the Rome Operational Department and the Ostia Group. General Luongo was received by the Commander of the Rome Investigative Unit and met with a representation of Carabinieri from different sections, with whom he discussed new investigative techniques, highlighting their proven ability to provide concrete, effective and timely responses to serious criminal incidents in the capital. as well as the important results achieved in the fight against organized crime. General Luongo then visited the Ostia Carabinieri group at the headquarters on Via Zambrini, where, received by the commander, he met a representation of officers, non-commissioned officers and Carabinieri from the headquarters and the companies of Bracciano, Cassia, Civitavecchia. , Monterotondo, Ostia and Rome airports. During the meeting, General Luongo expressed his satisfaction and gratitude for the commitment shown in the fight against crime and for the brilliant results achieved, recalling the importance of the work of the Carabinieri in the Province of Rome, where the Carabinieri are sometimes the is the only police force present and an indispensable point of reference for citizens.

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