At a time when technology is revolutionizing and revolutionizing, you can increasingly bring these innovations to Germany. One of the most important measures is the fall of Cara Hunter’s northern politics, which offers an opportunity Deepfake-Porn riffs wurde. Dieser Vorfall, who has been honored just three weeks before the Wahlen in Nordirland 2022, insults the aggressive Gefahren of Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) for democracy and open life.
Der Angriff and its following
Cara Hunter described in my Speech on a TED Talk Eindringlich, who is 90. Geburtstag and Großmutter die Nachricht erhielt, because a pornographic video with his Gesicht went viral. The video, which is generated by AI, is really that you start a family member, and pay off your debts. Innerhalb von Tagen verbreitetete sich das Video über WhatsAppmade by a Hunter-oriented vulgar-nachrichten and sexist comments. The Auswirkungen of Hunters Alltag were glorious: they would get a good reward, they would have Drohungen and should have miter life, with a heart for political work in few Sekunden untergraben wurden.
Hunter form in his Rede endringlich: “Dies war der Moment, in dem Misogynie auf den Missbrauch von Technology traf and sogar das Potenzial hatte, the Ausgang one demokratischen Wahl zu beeinfussen.” Tatsächlich gewann sie ihren Sitz in der Nordirischen Versammlung nur with einer knappen Meerheit. The long-term persecution of the fears is no longer a problem with the karriere – it is possible that the Auswirkungen over the Ruf and the Glaubwürdigkeit zu lagen.
Deepfakes like Waffe against Frauen and Democracy
Der Fall Hunter said exemplary, how Deepfake technology is used, a woman in the form of disk editing. Study and expert: Dear friends, the deepfake pornography has been criticized by women. This form of digitally rolled is often consumed, a woman from the öffentlichen Raum of repression and her teilhabe zu ungraben.
There are no personal problems with deepfakes in democracy itself. Hunter erklärte in ihrer Speech: „Ohne Wahrheit bricht die Demokratie zeeammen. Wahrheit ermöglicht is an informative separation between companies and companies that want to carry out their research.“ Wenn Technology that ensures Wahrheit, erodes through the vertrauen, the fundamental democratic system image.
Die Notnauwekeit Rechtlicher und gesellschaftlicher Maßnahmen
Hunters Fall might be German, that’s not that easy when it comes to just and common responses. In some countries in Australia and in the US, deepfake pornography has often emerged, which is often effective during the operation of mechanisms. The EU factory settings, but these were not used until 2027 – they could provide a lot of active activity.
When the right arrangement is separated, Hunter can use an ethical reflexion and a conscious sensitizer. If you are dealing with the Medienbildung, there is an uninterrupted and technologically wee version of the Medienbildung for the Gefahren of Deepfakes that are sensitive. Gleichzeitig müsse die KI-Entwicklung auf Werte wie Empathy en Menschenwürde ausgerichtet. “CAN be a humanistic technology that can help us, when ethics turns in its favor” will be clear.
Ein Appell und die Gesellschaft
Der Fall Cara Hunter will serve as Weckruf. Deepfakes are no longer a technological problem, but a collective reform. There is a strong answer to the question: a strict approach, the clear preparation for the previous one, the Bildungskampagne, the Mediencompetenz which is strong, and a good sales debate on the responsible issue with the new technology.
If all goes well, it is true that deepfakes have more legitimate regular use – aber letzten can put an end to the success of the gesellschaft and find another fact, with fake news to (so auch mein O-Ton at LTO).
Before Hunter experiences the courtesy, his camp is no longer suitable for the anxiety attacks. “We all have the Verantwortung, this Technology for the Good are usefulness and the Democracy for the Gefahren of the Schützen,” Schloss is in the Rede. It’s all possible that deepfakes don’t even happen Waffle gegen Wahrheit and Democracy became.
Letzte Article by Rechtsanwalt Jens Ferner (Fachanwalt für IT & Criminalrecht) (All comments)